You’ve seen the difference and it’s getting better all the time

Well hello there. How’re you? Me? I’m ok. I think I’ve been up since about 6. Just dozing after that. Then Pippin came up and wanted to play. Chaucer was doing his best Batman impersonation by sitting on the dresser – staring at me.

Anyways, it’s the end of the week. It’s Friyay! The only thing standing I between me and the weekend is today. It should be a somewhat relaxing and easier day. I’ll be by myself.

But I have a job to do. We’re doing inventory so I’m doing all the backend stuff. Yay! Haha

It seems pretty warmish out there this morning. Just dark, and a lot of fog. This weekend, it should be a lot warmer, so I’ll be demanding that Crystal go outside, and poi for at least 30 minutes.

She’ll have fun!

Or else… 🤣

Nothing is really planned for the weekend. It’s date night tonight. Mmm awesome burger! We’ve finished what series we had for Law & Order. We’ve hit season 10 of Supernatural. We have one episode left of The Peripheral, and we’re making headway on a few more series as well.

We’re TV nerds.

Ok I need a refill of my coffee. Happy Friyay!

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