You’re my doll, rock’n’roll, feel the glamour in pink

Good sunny morning everyone! It’s bright and sunny out there this fine morning. Much better than the gray, rainy day that was most of yesterday. Although according to the weather app, this sun will slowly slide behind clouds until late afternoon.

I hope the app is wrong, and it’ll be sunny for the day.

I was up just once in the night. I was a little warm, and I really had to pee. So up at 3am, bathroom. I went out to grab a quick drink and Pippin was snuggled on my square of the couch. Too cute.

So I climbed back into bed, and snuggled the Great One. I fell back to sleep rather quickly.

Yesterday was a long day. It’s my long week, and the week that everyone is gone. It’s just me in the shop. Thankfully I have a couple of things to do today, so it shouldn’t be too bad.

Crystal made a kick ass Japanese curry with rice last night for dinner. It was so good. It was the last curry block that I had. Next time someone goes to CapitalCity, we’re definitely need to get more.

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