I was up slightly before the alarm went off. Just slightly though. I think I tried to focus my eyes, and the clock said 6:37. I went back to sleep after that. It was a light sleep though. I was having a dream that Crystal and I were looking for a small pull behind camper. My mom had said since we were looking for one, they’d sell the big trailer to use for an excellent price. But I stopped her. I told her that The Hot Mess Express couldn’t pull it. She started to say that we could use her truck when lever we wanted, but again I stopped her – I used all the logic I could, including telling her that I can’t back up with a big trailer. That’s when the alarm went off.
Yesterday at work was pretty slow. I did talk to BossLady in the morning. She gave me a couple of things to do. I got them all sorted about 20-30 minutes later. I wrote up some invoices, and sent them to her to take a look. Today, I have to make a very large deposit on a clients appliances. I just have to double check and triple check before possibly charging over $10k to the company credit card.
After work, I trotted home. Crystal was already in the middle of preparing dinner. So I fed the kittens, and the kittens were then very happy. I did my thing with the pork chops, and put them and the Brussels sprouts in the oven. The chops were a little thicker than were used to, so I had to put them back in the oven for a few more minutes. After that, the food was plated, and consumed. I had the third chop as well, because I’m a fat ass. The dinner was excellent.
After dinner, and the dishes. It was a slothy evening. I fired up TotK. Like Crystal, I’m totally avoiding the main story line, by doing other things. I mostly have the Depths mapped out. And I’m just exploring. I’m not bored, but I have no interest in beating this game. I’ll give you two words to explain why: GLOOM HANDS. That’s right. As soon as I hear that wicked music, I bolt. Yep that’s right. The savior of Hyrule bolting and running as fast as he can to get away from them. I choose what I fight. I need to have the upper hand right from the beginning! Lol