Won’t you take me down to Memphis on a midnight ride

Welp, according to the news, it’s Tuesday. Or as I like to call it – Monday, part two. The birds are singing, and the coffee is brewing. It’s back to work this morning.

Days off always go so quickly. It doesn’t seem like it at the time, but the hours just speed past. I watched a couple of movies, and a couple of tv shows over the weekend. It was nice and relaxing. It was a good weekend. I’ll be working the next two Saturdays. this week is my Saturday, next week, NewGirl ask for it off, but didn’t offer to switch weekends, so I’m working them. I don’t mind, it’s extra money, but it would’ve been nice if she’d have offered to switch weekends.

It’s all good though.

Ok, coffee is ready, time to fuel up. Enjoy this Tuesday. Today might be a good day, to, you know, have a good day!

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