With this very unpleasin’, sneezin’ and wheezin’

Good sunny morning people. I slept pretty ok. It was just a rocky start. About 12ish, I woke up coughing. I tried rolling over, and that didn’t work. I was so afraid of waking up Crystal, I quietly slid out of bed, went to the bathroom, blew my nose, and got something to drink. Just before I climbed back into bed, I grabbed a cough drop. Got back into bed, and tried to get as close as possible to Crystal, and went back to sleep.

Then the alarm went off.

And here we are. Bright and early Tuesday morning. I woke up when the alarm went off, and I really hoped it was Monday morning. I can see by the gif that Crystal is posting, she didn’t sleep well at all. That’s my fault. No matter what she says, I’m pretty sure I kept her up.

Yesterday was pretty good. I was a little down because of the weather. But we had a kick ass brunch, and Crystal spent a good half hour to 45 minutes making an absolute pile of waffles. Normal sized ones. When I made them before yesterday, I only made the standard “order”. Yesterday I mixed up a double batch so Crystal can have normal sized waffles.

But yeah, we didn’t do too much yesterday at all. We took turns playing the Switch. That’s literally it. It was in my mind a great sloth day. I don’t know if I’ll be working the whole day or if I’m a half day jay. I’m sure we’ll figure that out pretty quick.

Moar coffee pls.

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