With a boulder on my shoulder, feelin’ kinda older

Good morning my friends. When the alarm went off this morning, I didn’t want to get out of bed. For me, the bed was just the perfect temperature. But I dragged myself out of bed, because the kittens needed to be fed, and the coffee needed to be brewed.

After work yesterday, we hopped in the Hot Mess Express and popped over to SlightlyBiggerTown for some groceries. We found just about everything on the list. We forgot a couple of things that weren’t on the list, but it’s livable without those items.

Nothing out of the ordinary while we were there. The store wasn’t too busy which is always nice. I think we were in and out in about a half hour or 45 minutes. Not too bad if you ask me. After we loaded the HME, we popped over to Dairy Queen for a quick bite to eat, as we were both starting to get really peckish.

And of course, when we got home, we put all the groceries away. Then Crystal fired up the Switch. She had come up with a plan. I think it was a double cross, or a triple cross. I don’t know, but it work. She successfully played both sides for a quest in Skyrim. I was totally amused and impressed that she managed to pull it off. I didn’t even think you could do that!

After she played, I got a turn. I fired up TotK. I think I figured out why I’m not too fond of Skyrim (which I’m really trying to like), there’s too much involved on the back end of the game. So much crafting, alchemy, and all that. Then there’s all the options every time you level up. I know, I know, if I want to play other RPGs that I claim to really like, I’ll have to get used to and figure out which builds I want. in Skyrim, you can build your character to be anything you want. Any build. Wield any weapon. That’s a lot of options!!

Course, all I see on my Google Discovery is all about Starfield. I know it’s done by the same people that made Skyrim. It’s not even available on the switch, and probably never will, lol but I would like to try it. But I digress.

So anyways, I fired up TotK. I didn’t have a plan, but I explored a little bit of the Depths. I found some more light roots, and a couple of new clothes, but I didn’t actually achieve too much. But like Skyrim, this is TotKs bread and butter. I’m closer to the end game than the beginning, so I can just wander around and do quests things, or in the case of yesterday, just exploring.

Happy Sunday y’all!

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