Whatever happened to Saturday night?

Oh, hello there. Good morning how’s it going? I think I slept through the night. If I didn’t I should’ve. It was a long day yesterday. Lots of moving furniture around. My back is very very twitchy this morning.

So twitchy I was told to take an Advil. So I took an Advil. It was a busy day. So much so, I called in the big guns – Crystal came in to paint some signs, and stayed to help move stuff around. We snuck out at 5 while BossLady had a customer.

Back at it today. But today is only a 4 hour shift. We’re open later today, but BossLady will be there from 2-6. Well, she’s who she is, so she’ll be late. I assured her that I wouldn’t close the shop at 2, I would wait for her to get there.

I have Pippin on my lap. She’s gonna be upset when I have to get up in a second to go to the bathroom. Chaucer is already waiting in the wings to get on a lap.

It’s a very pretty sunrise today. Crystal loves seeing the sunrises and sunsets. I think she looks forward to them each day.

Tomorrow, the plan is to head on up to CapitalCity. That should be a fun day. We have a few stops we want to go to, and the main event of the day – Value Village. That’s what I’m looking forward to. I have a Twilight collection to complete.

Moar covfefe, pls

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