The featured image may or may not be the one that I used yesterday. Oops. Here I am. I was up early, but I forced myself to go back to sleep, until my alarm went off.
Yes, on my day off my alarm was still set.
I don’t know how to shut it off.
Analog clock Radios, amirite?
The coffee is brewing, and I have chores to do today. Laundry, put away some dishes, dusting, and I should clean the bathroom today as well. That should take a total of about 15-30 minutes. But I’ll get it done. My dad may or may not be coming over to help hang some art. We’ll see about that. I haven’t received any confirmation about that.
Other than chores, it’ll be a nice day off. Gonna watch some movies, then head over to Shady Acres for dinner later on in the afternoon.
Ok, coffee time. Let’s do this!