We’ll be fallin’ in love in the middle of the night just movin’ slow

While it’s still froggy out, I can see the sun. Good morning from the fog capital of the area. I think it’ll be a nice morning after the fog burns off. It took me a little longer to fall asleep last night. I had rolled over and Crystal was snuggled up next to me, and then suddenly, I couldn’t breathe through my face holes, so I rolled over.

And I was out.

Yesterday was a long day. BossLady was out at a Clients place for the morning. I took care of business, and in the early afternoon, I had texted her saying that there was no real point in her coming back for just a couple of hour. She took me up on the offer and I had the day to myself.

Lonely? Yeah a little.

But that’s ok. We should have just about the full team in this morning, so it’ll be a busy day I think.

Busy is good. Makes the day go quicker.

The coffee is flowing and the cars are wandering around. Again, once the fog lifts, it should be a bright day out.

Happy Thursday, my friends.

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