untz untz wub wub wub wub*

Everyone’s awake here, Pippin is trying to start shit with Chaucer. I don’t think he wants to play first thing in the morning. I’ve been up for about a half hour. I was impressed on how long it took to get from 6:30 to 7, when the alarm went off. I think it was a good sleep.

Work went well, just a little slow. But that’s how it is sometimes. When I got home, we fed the cats, then hopped in to the Hot Mess Express and headed over to the restaurant, where once again, we had a great dinner with a tonne of fries.

After dinner, we came back to the Flat, and while Crystal finished up a little Subnautica, I watched funny YouTube videos. Then we watched the second episode of 1899. That is a mind fuck of a TV show. I was happy to be slightly confused throughout the show, it was the last 15 seconds that really screwed me up. I can’t wait for the next episode to get even more confused!

After that, we watched another episode of Law & Order. Love that show. Then two episodes of Letterkenny. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.

And now, here we are. Saturday. All that stands between me and the weekend is a four hour shift. Then we’re doing something out of the ordinary – the town sponsored flea market at town hall. That should be fun.

Let’s get going!

* That my friends, is the soundtrack of Crystal’s mind. I asked her for a song for the lyrics for a title to this post. Then she giggled. A lot.

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