Took a look around, see which way the wind blow

Good morning, happy Friyay! That’s right it’s technically the weekend! Man, this week has flown by. It’s bright, and I think the wind has finally slowed down a little. According to the weather app, it’ll be mostly cloudy today. I’ll take it!

Coffee has been brewed, and is being consumed.

The kitties are awake, Pippin really wants to play this morning. She keeps running up to Chaucer, then running away. She’s too quick for him. By the time he turns to see her, she’s already running away. so he just jumps up on the couch, and thinks we’ll protect him.

Today, we’re heading out to SlughtlyBiggerTown to do some grocery shopping and some other resupply. And since it’s a week day, we’ll be able to go to the second hand store! I always go grocery shopping on a Saturday, and the second hand store isn’t open on the weekends. So that’ll be fun!

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