Good morning everyone! Pippin let me sleep until my alarm went off this morning! Let me tell you that it was glorious. Of course the one time I was banking on her waking me up early didn’t pan out to chat with Crystal this morning. That’s ok.
Chore day here. I tried to run toaster yesterday while I was at work. I checked on it through the app, and 30 minutes it there was a wheel issue. I cleared it up and so it would annoy Pippin even more, because it had stopped, and I didn’t want it to stress her out anymore than necessary, I sent it to the base. After about 5 minutes, when it should’ve been charging, it was still trying to get back to the base, I just shut it down where it stood.
When I got back to The Flat, it was stuck under a chair. Toaster isn’t that smart, but he’s cute. So I’ll let him try again today.
Chore day, but for now, it’s coffee and cuddle time. Happy Sunday friends.