The Bismarck was the fastest ship that ever sailed the sea

Good morning all you cool cats and kittens. It’s a gray, froggy day out there. It’s a little breezy, but just simply overcast. I don’t think we’ll see the sun too much out there today.

And that’s ok.

The sun can’t shine every day.

I have coffee to my right, and a Pippin kitty loafed on my lap. I went to bed and fell asleep pretty quickly. I got up around 1 or so. Pippin was asleep in the bathroom. I have her a pet or two and by the time I was back in bed, she had followed me.

I’m washing my bed sheets today. When I wash them, I usually split the laundry up, so I’m not doing laundry all day. Just split over two days. It I guess, makes it manageable. Or, and here’s a crazy thought, I’m lazy, and I don’t want to do it all at once.

We’ll probably never know.

But, coffee please.

The final push. The most anxious part. Just breathe. That’s what I’m trying to do. 143

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