Take this pink ribbon off my eyes

The fog is thick this morning. It’s a gray day so far. Crystal asked how my sleep was – I’m not too sure. I don’t think I moved once we got comfortable. That doesn’t happen too often. I had weird dreams that I can’t remember. I know I dreamed, but I couldn’t tell you what I dreamed about. Strange.

Like I said, it’s froggy out there. It’s like silent hill out there. Hopefully the fog will lift. It didn’t lift at all yesterday. It just got a little lighter out there. The high today is 74°, but it’s supposed to rain all day. We’re expecting thunderstorms til about 1 or so, then just rain.

Hey, at least the grass is turning green. Too little, to late? This weather is now putting a hamper on harvest. Good times.

Didn’t do too much after work at noon yesterday. I’m lazy, and most times I don’t like it. Sloth mode is good for Monday, but sometimes I feel like I could’ve done more. It’s hard to explain. I want to do things, but I don’t want to do things at the same time. It’s a terrible loop.

Back to a full day of work today. Hopefully it’ll be a busy day. Just need to have more coffee, and hopefully like the fog, my brain fog will lift as well. And hopefully, the sinus’ will drain too.

Let’s go Wednesday!

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