Take out the papers and the trash

Hey, you know what? It’s Friyay! Finally, it’s the end of the week. We’ve made it. All I have to do is make it through my shift today, and then I don’t have to work for the rest of the year. That’s pretty awesome if you ask me.

We started inventory at the store yesterday. BossLady was actually out on the floor working with NewNewGirl. I was the one in the back, double checking prices and making sure the prices out on the sales floor are the same as on the website. I think they have all the big stuff counted.

I slept ok. I think I was up at the normal time. I felt Pippin jump up and get comfy, but I can’t put a time on when she jumped up. I didn’t look at the clock this morning.

Tonight is date night. I’m really looking forward to it. It’s been a couple of weeks since we’ve gone to our usual restaurant, so that’s going to be fun. It’s much more relaxed than the dour, silent restaurant that we’ve gone to in the past couple of weeks.

We don’t have any plans for New Year’s Eve. I did ask Crystal if we could have a nap Saturday afternoon, so we could make it to midnight. So we’re going try to do that. Maybe we’ll find a good movie to watch or something to keep us entertained.

But right now, just enjoying some coffee, and happy that it’s Friyay. What’re your plans?

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2 thoughts on “Take out the papers and the trash

  1. Yakkity yak! Great tune. We’re in sluggo mode, andight be babysitting new years eve but won’t know till the day of most likely. Have a great day you two👍👍