Hold up my balloons and cover up my face

‘Scuse me, while I rant a while.

One day, one day soon I hope, I won’t get messaged on every one of my days off from people at work. Yep, Saturday, Sunday, and today, Monday, I got messages. Saturday, it was almost a stream of consciousness from NewGirl. Stop. Look. And find it yourself. Can’t find the keys? Use the freakin master keys. Jesus.

Yesterday, and today, I got messaged from BossLady. Today she’s actually at the store. Look. You’ll find it, I promise. Yesterday, I think she was fishing for me to go in and find something for her. That’s gonna be a no from me, dawg. I was wrestling a mattress in to The Flat. By myself.

On a less annoying note, my moms working in a new quilt. My gramma comes in and stops and stares. “Did you know I did all the embroidery on that?” Yes gramma I was here when you did it all. “I don’t remember how long it took me to do that. I must have been real patient.” It doesn’t matter how long it took you. You had fun making it. “What’s that in dads chair? It’s a weird animal with its head upside down.” Its a cat, gramma, it’s sleeping.

I know I’ll probably eat my words, but it is so peaceful at The Flat. Quiet. I talk to Toaster. He’s a good boy. I sat there this morning in silence. I was smiling. No random conversations. No aggressive clearing of throats. No people having loud conversations with the cats at 7am. Just silence.

There. Just had to get that off my chest. I feel better! Thanks for listening!

This ain’t a scene, it’s a goddamn arms race

Greetings, and salutations everyone. Hello from the frozen north. It’s wicked cold out this morning. With the wind chill is -29c. Not cool. At this point, I can’t wait for spring. I’m tired of putting on layers of clothes, just to go outside.


It’s Sunday Funday today. I don’t have too much going on today. I have to clean the stove, and then relight it. Maybe a blog post or two, including a book club post.

It was really slow at work yesterday. There were supposed to be people coming in. 1, to talk about a dining room set for her and one for her daughter, and 2, a designer that we work with was sending someone to look at sectionals. I was very nervous and the lady coming in to talk about dining room sets, as I don’t really have the experience to do it alone. After a pep talk with BossLady, and a couple of hours playing around on the website – you can customize every part of the set, I was fairly comfortable and was ready for when she came in.

Spoiler alert: no one came in. I’m mean no one came in. So I cleaned the office, and vacuumed the sales floor, and put some swatches of fabric away.

So yeah, looking at that, I dunno if I’ll be doing anything much outside these walls. Mom found a king sized duvet, on the used marketplace on Facebook, and put in a bid. The lady says there was one person that made an offer a head of me, and if they don’t pick it up, I can go and get it. It’s only about 15 minutes from here. Then I’ll have a blanket that fits my whole bed.

But I’ll plan on getting it, when my mom gets an email saying to come and get it. Happy Sunday everyone!

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day, everyone!  This is my first Canada Day in Canada in about 19 years, I believe. I don’t know what’s going to happen in Tiny Town, or even here at Shady Acres. The weather outlook isn’t all that great. Thunder and lightning are expected. (I’m writing this a day early, and tonight, we’re expecting hail, lots of rain, and possibly tornados.) Everyone, everywhere always says if you don’t like the weather, wait 5 minutes. Here, that’s also true. It was drizzling while I was out, and now I just heard thunder. 

I think that’s all I have to say right now. I’m still getting used to thinking about, and then putting it into words. 

Happy Canada Day!