Moving forward using all my breath making love to you was never second best

Good morning happy April fools day! It’s a bright sunny, breezy morning here. Since it’s April 1st, that means that I’ve been in The Flat for one year officially today.

1 year. 365 days. This year has gone so very quickly. I remember moving in. I remember dragging stuff down from Shady Acres before work in a metal cart. I must have looked pretty strange.

By April 1st I had everything in here, and could just wait for the internet guy to come. It took me being pushy to actually get him here in the day he was supposed to be. They tried to tell me that there was no one available. I told them that I had booked this appointment a month earlier, and that they had better find someone that wanted a little overtime, because I couldn’t afford to take another day out of work because they couldn’t plan properly.

Needless to say they had someone out here about 20ish minutes later.

One year wow.

I like this little place. It’s quiet, and peaceful.

Happy one year in The Flat!

And happy Friyay!

I love you. Non sum qualis eram.

Model Monday – the final push

Ok, it’s time to stop being lazy. I’m so close to finishing the Combat Patrol box.

I have to finish it. I have one Battle Sister squad, and the box will be done.

Let’s not be lazy today and actually do something other than sitting in the couch.

Sure, I talk tough, but I’m really going to try and push to finish these Sisters, and at the very least, get them friggin primed.

I saw a werewolf drinkin’ a piña colada at Trader Vic’s

Hey Netflix nerds! Just a quick pop in to chit chat about the TV show I finished watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine. That’s right, 7 seasons, 143 episodes of the Fox/NBC show. I’m really hoping once they film and show the final season on real TV, they’ll move it over to Netflix so us mere mortals can finish it as well.

But, after 143 episodes, I finally figured out the huge breakout star of the show was:

It’s Cheddar, Captain Holt’s liveable corgi. He steals all the scenes he’s in. Superb.

So I’ve now moved on to Schitt’s Creek. We’ll see if I’ll stick with this one. Two episodes in. It’s ok so far.

Until next time Netflix nerds!

All my bags are packed, I’m ready to go

Note: I’m writing this on Wednesday, for posting on Thursday.

So I’m going about my business, watching Orange is the New Black, and I go into the bathroom, and those lyrics pop into my head. And I stop dead in my tracks, and burst into tears. So I figure that if I’m going to continue to cry, I’d rather do it in the privacy of my bedroom, as opposed to crying in front of my mom.

As the title says, all my bags are packed, I’m ready to go. Actually all I have left is a hamper that’s packed, a dresser and a borrowed television. And a fan, for white noise. All my pictures are off the walls.

My mom asked me at dinner if I was going to be over for supper. I said no. Then she asked if I wanted to come over for lunch. I think I broke her heart when I said no to that as well. I feel terrible. I’ll be over Sunday for my grammas birthday dinner.

I’m excited to be on my own again. I’m terrified of being on my own again. I’m going to be ok. I know it. I know it in my bones. It’s been a helluva long time since I’ve been by myself. I mean I can’t wait! I really can’t, but I don’t know. I’m going to miss my mom and my dad. I going to really miss my gramma.

Jesus Christ, listen to me. I’m talking like I’m moving far away. I’m literally 5 minutes on foot away from Shady Acres. I’ve never lived in the same city as my parents. It’s gonna be ok.

It’s gonna be ok.

It’s gonna be ok.

Tomorrow night, I’m going to be making Rattlesnake Pasta for dinner. I’m very excited about that for sure.

Tomorrow, I sleep in a king sized bed.

And, I have a pair of genie pants with my name on it. I’ll be wearing those tomorrow night.

I got this. The next post will be from my new place – The Flat.

Thanks for listening. This started out sad, but I think that it ended on the happiest note! You guys are the best, for sure!