She had dumps like a truck truck truck – thighs like a what what what

ITS VOTING DAY TODAY! I’m excited, I think the last time I voted, I was 19. So this is a bit of a big deal. I have to laugh, on the inside; my mom is quizzing my dad who to vote for.

Which Party are you voting for?

Um, its the Saskatoon, no, Saskatchewan Party.”

“Who’s the candidate?

“Can you write his name down for me?”

So funny, she hasn’t asked me yet. I don’t think she will.

I slept pretty well last night, just up about a half hour before the alarm went off, but I went back to sleep for the half hour.

Time for coffee, happy Monday!

Madness takes its toll

Hey I am. Awake. I don’t think I moved at all last night. So my back is just a little tweaky. But that’s ok, we have to wait for Canadian Tire to call us, telling us the pellets are in. I don’t have to worry about lifting anything for at least a few days.


Yesterday afternoon, I registered to vote. Lemme tell you, voting wise, I’d rather vote in the United States. You only have two choices. There’s like 6 or 7 in this province. Only 2 or 3 actually matter, but there’s too many choices. For the love of dog, just tell us who to vote for! Haha

It looks like another gray day here. I discovered, it’s not really cloud cover here. A lot of it is smoke coming from BC, who’s is coming from Oregon. It’s still grey and depressing.

My mom and grandmother bickered all day yesterday. My grandmother who went to bed at like 6 the day before yesterday, was up and dressed at 7 am. Which means she was probably up 6 am. So she was wicked over tired. She didn’t have a good day yesterday. I feel bad for her some days with her dementia. it’s really has to be just as hard for her, as it is for the people around her. I can see habits in her that my mom has, but doesn’t realize it.

Wow this post kinda turned dark and sad didn’t it? I apologize for that. I didn’t mean for that to happen. But sometimes it does.

I love you, and I miss you.