You know you’re gonna have to face it, you’re addicted to love

It’s another day here. Home from work. Work wasn’t too bad. Did some cleaning, etc just to pass the time. Then the food delivery came. Then everyone felt it was the exact time to come into shop. So I’m running around trying to do everything, and failing at it all but whatever, it’s done. Tomorrow I volunteered to take on a couple of extra hours, so yeah, I’ll be even more tired tomorrow.

Although today, I was made to feel like an 8 year old boy. I was outside, doing outside things. I saw a big rig driving by, so I threw up a couple of fist pumps to get him to blow his airhorn.

Then a second drive by, so I did it again. And he blew his airhorn as well! Woohoo!

And finally, a third one drove by. I did it again, and again he blew his airhorn!

Totes amazing!

Look how far we’ve come, my baby

Morning. It’s dark, and cool out there this morning. I’ve been up for a while. The first time I looked at the clock, it was 3:40am. Then 4:30, 5:15, 6, and the last time I looked, it was 6:40. I just kept my eyes closed and snuggled the pile. Crystal was under there, I think Chaucer came up for a bit, before he got sick, and of course Pippin was part of the snuggle pile.

It’s Valentine’s Day. We’re going out for a romantic dinner tonight. And we’re both tracking packages. Out of four items that I’ve ordered for Crystal, 2 have arrived, one is supposed to arrive Friyay, and one that was supposed to have arrived on Friyay. Then they updated the date to yesterday, by the end of the day. Now it’s saying The delivery date will be provided as soon as possible. That doesn’t sound too promising, does it?

But we’re all up, and on the couch. Chaucer is trying to get comfortable, and Pippin is eating some breakfast. So let’s get the day started. The faster we start, the faster the end of the day will come. Happy Tuesday, happy Valentine’s Day, and good morning everyone 🙂