I wanna play wet tennis all night with you

Fam, I’m tired.

I got up in the night so many times.

(Audience) how many times?!

12:30. 2. 3:30. 4:20(!!!). 4:25.

Mind you, the alarm goes off at 4:30.

So, yeah, not a happy camper this morning.

However, I changed shifts with a coworker, and I have Sunday off! Woohoo! I can actually spent sometime with the family that’s coming down for a quick visit.

Also, turkey dinner.

My eye is still swollen and sore. In a couple of hours, I have to re-up my allergy meds. That way I’m not a complete mess for date night tonight. What will I have? Well, there’s only 2 pages to the menu. Plus one for adult beverages. So there’s not too much of a choice. But if I get the burger, remind me to ask for it without lettuce on it. They put a sheet of the damned stuff on it.

Too much, people. Too much.

Happy long weekend everyone. Remember not to labor on Monday.

I’ve got two tickets to Iron Maiden, baby come with me Friday, don’t say maybe

Hey. Back from work. I’m freakin tired. I didn’t sleep all that well last night. I got up around 11:30, and went to the bathroom. I was already groggy. I finished my business, and stumbled back to bed. I fell asleep right away, then the alarm went off, and it was time to start the day.

Work was cold, and windy. The wind should subside by probably the end of shift tomorrow.


Mind you, I was warm, but it’s the customers with what they think are witty comments. When I left BossLady was trying to give instruction to an old deaf guy. He tapped, but it wasn’t accepted, he had to actually put his card in and do the transaction manually.

He couldn’t understand this.

I mean, we only had to do it for like a decade/decade and a half before tap was introduced. He just couldn’t wrap his head around it. And of course he’s deaf. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions to the store. TisimBoy said that the old guy almost hit him on the way into the parking lot. Good times.

Still waiting for Dunkin’ to get these tracksuits back in stock.

It’s only me who wants to wrap around your dreams

Morning. Need coffee. It was an ok sleep. Just not long enough. Fell asleep about a half hour later than normal. And I was out like a light.

I was part way to the second hand store yesterday, when my mom called and said my dad needed help out in the farm. So I turned around got the truck and drove there

I am so sore.

And it’s not a good sore.

And I’m going back today. I’ll probably be there most of the day, because there’s a lunch packed for me. So it should be a good day today.

It seems to run on some sort of electricity

That’s what we’re rebuilding. Every part, so heavy. Stupid farm equipment!