Everybody knows that the boat is leaking, everybody knows that the captain lied

Good morning all you glorious motherfuckers! It’s Sunday, and it’s actually sunny, and somewhat warm outside. All the rugs are out there and I even washed the garbage can.

The lone load of laundry has just finished being washed. And I should get all up in there to put it in the dryer.

According to my weather app, Tuesday, it’s supposed to get freakin crazy here. Lots of snow. Snow. It’s April. Besides, all the snow just melted on the lawn.

But I’ll believe that when it’s actually happening.

And all this snow, if it happens will be falling probably days before my aunt and uncle come to visit. Which is also the reason for the “deep” clean. Just trying to make the place look good before people will be coming to visit.

The bacon is defrosting, and in a couple of hours I’ll be cooking brunch for myself. I likes me some bacon. Eggs aren’t too bad either.

I took a little break from Critical Role. Not out of boredom or anything like that. Just want a little different thing to watch. So I fired up Tubi, and finished Road House, then for the fun of it, I watched Blade. I ended up finishing the night with Hackers.

Crystal has been watching Supernatural. She said if I can make it past the first 4 or 5 episodes, it gets better. So that’s what’s on right now. They’re currently fight a demon on an airplane.

Schönen Sonntag!