What better place than here, what better time than now?

Good morning everyone! Once again, we survived the major thunderstorm that crossed our area last night.

I learned something about my alarm clock this morning after the power went off in the night. The battery back up saves everything but the radio station preset!

But I’m awake, dressed, and have coffee. Let’s get the day started!

And I’m not prepared, you really had me going there for a minute or two

Good morning! Happy Monday everyone! We survived the storms last night. Crystal got to see part of the lightshow last night. After hanging up with her, the lightshow continued. I know when I woke up about an hour later, it was still going on.

With the light show, there was some thunder, but it cooled down in the Flat pretty quickly, and I fell right to sleep.

But now it’s Monday, and it’s cooler in here, so I have my Sunday chores to do today. It’ll keep me busy this morning.

But first coffee and kitten snuggles.

Let’s go Monday!