You’re saying I’m fragile – I try not to be

Good morning everyone. It’s Thursday. And the United States still hasn’t chosen a new king yet. No one has mentioned how Kanye is doing.

I screen shot the electoral college stuff and it didn’t change overnight. Good thing or a bad thing? Has Trump tweeted that he’s won again?

But anyways. I’m going back into help my dad with rebuilding the tractor engine. It’s in, just needs to be bolted in and the accessories installed again. It’s been fun, I’m weak and can barely walk and lift things.

I really need some Advil and some coffee. Have a great Thursday everyone.

It’s only me who wants to wrap around your dreams

Morning. Need coffee. It was an ok sleep. Just not long enough. Fell asleep about a half hour later than normal. And I was out like a light.

I was part way to the second hand store yesterday, when my mom called and said my dad needed help out in the farm. So I turned around got the truck and drove there

I am so sore.

And it’s not a good sore.

And I’m going back today. I’ll probably be there most of the day, because there’s a lunch packed for me. So it should be a good day today.

It seems to run on some sort of electricity

That’s what we’re rebuilding. Every part, so heavy. Stupid farm equipment!