Buy a yacht with a flag sayin’ “Chillin’ the most”

Good morning motherfuckers. It is I, the shank of Shaw. I’m a very important person. I also smoked myself into an early bed time last night. I think I crawled into bed about 9. Pippin just wanted to snuggle with me, and I didn’t want to move to let her under the covers, because I knew she wouldn’t stay. I just wanted to sleep. She cried for a couple of minutes, and then I think she snuggled down at the foot of the bed whilst I died.

I think I woke up around 12:30, but fell back asleep. Then again at 3:39 or so, but again, I fell back asleep. I was warm, then I was cold. But I think it totally evened out by the time I woke up for good, just minutes before the alarm went off. I tried to snuggle with Crystal this morning, but it was way too hot. I basically chased her across the bed in an effort for the snuggles.

Updated snow totals for Sunday. If we get all of this, it should be fun to see the town dig itself out and to see if we can actually get to work on Monday. I trust the Hot Mess Express. But knowing my mom, if they don’t have to be anywhere Monday, I could see her telling me to take her truck to work Monday. But I can’t Tuesday, because my dad has some medical testing in CapitalCity. I’ve planned ahead, and have a really good shovel to dig out the Flat, and Shady Acres.

Let’s do this.

But first, coffee.
