Oh her flowing skirt is blowing in the transcendental wind

I’ve been up since 5 this morning. Course that’s probably more like 3 when I first woke up slightly cold, so I got under the covers, where suddenly I was way too warm.

The reason why I was up so early was because I took a drive with my dad to the next province over to pick up a crank shaft (heh, shaft), that was supposed to have been picked up the week before.

It was a really nice drive with him. We had coffees and chatted all the way up and back. We got back to the house just in time for lunch, then he went off to work, and Shady Acres went down for their nap, I got the ma and got gas for the truck. Now we’re sitting in SlightlyBiggerTown.

My mom has a doctors appointment, then it’s a couple groceries, while I run over to the second hand store to see what kind of books they got going on there. Then home again.

It’s been a busy day, and I didn’t get to chat with Crystal on lunch. Bad deal. But we’ll chat tonight.

Happy Monday, y’all

Now I know your heart, I know your mind

Greeting from SlightlyBiggerTown. I had to drop my moms car off for repairs. I told them I was told I’d have a courtesy car, they gave me an Escape. They’ve gotten smaller since I own one. It’s like a small car now, not a tiny SUV.

I get in, see that there’s navigation. I put in the address for Tim Hortons, and punch it in. 1.2 km later, I’m sitting in it, literally across from the dealership. It was hidden by another building.

Now I have some coffee, and now I just have to wait for the truck to have the repairs done. I’ll be checking out places that are hiring.

But first coffee.