You got to take the elevator to the mezzanine


That was the war cry this morning, when I attempted, by stealth to snuggle as close as possible to Crystal. I was doing everything right. Moving slow, as to not be noticed by her. I had my mission, I accepted it, and was in the movement phase. I knew what I had to do, and was executing that, when the words rang out.

In order to maintain some sort of I don’t hear you. I held position for a couple of seconds. Then I withdrew. Defeated. Internally, devastated. retreated to a safe position. I think at that point, cold, and with no kitty snuggles, I had to generate my own body heat. Thankfully, the alarm went off shortly after.

And now, here we are.

Crystal is in her rich heiress robe. It’s a very pretty light green robe with fur around the arms and the bottom of it. It was her valentines present. It looks really good on her. She likes it, and that’s a good thing. I’ve been doing pretty good on the gift side this year.

Work wasn’t too bad yesterday. It was totally manageable. Not too busy, but not really totally dead either. Time went somewhat quickly. It’s always the last 20 minutes or so, that seems to take forever. But suddenly we were closed, and there were still some people trying to get in. Thankfully, the door was locked at this point, so we just said “closed”, and ignored them.

Nothing much on deck for today. Chores. Brunch. Hanging out. I’ll be back to work on the holiday Monday. Same hours as yesterday. So hopefully it’ll go quickly. Then after tomorrow, it’s back to opening again. So I can sleep in one more day. The older I get, the more I appreciate the sleeps.

Ok, time to shut up, and to drink some coffee. Happy Sunday, my friends.