They’re gonna clean up your looks with all the lies in the books

Just scrolling through the discovery open here on the WordPress app – using book keywords to find like minded people, I’ve seen weird things lately.

You book people, is that all you do? No jobs or anything? I was scrolling and saw one person “was well on her way to 400 books read this year”. She read 23 in October.

Do you even retain anything from the books when you’re reading that much? Is it out of love that you read or some sort of odd obligation to your blog?

One blogger just simply posted a month of her sites stats. Wow, show off much? I’d assume that most people would read and blog about reading for themselves. Apparently this person does everything for site hits.

Also, and this is gonna sound mean, but how the hell can you afford book hauls every month? Y’all look like you’re buying at least 4 to 5 BRAND NEW books a month? Granted I do book hauls as well, but I spend less than $5 a month on seconds hand books. Are y’all selling body parts?

I read for me. I’m not putting any pressure on myself to perform and read as much as I can, because, lemme tell you something – you may be well on your way to reading 400 books this year, but I’ve read (and reread) the Twilight Saga this year, more than a teen girl in the fall of 2005.

I blog for me as well. I like to share my thoughts (as unpolished that they are) on the books that I read, and anything else that’s happening in my life.

Rant over, please carry on with your day!