You say you need a little of my ooh-la-la

Oh Rexy, you’re so sexy!

Welcome to Rex Manning Day 2024!

4:30 am sure came early this morning, but I got up and started the day. With the day started, and coffee consumed, I went off to work.

Work was a little busier than normal. Probably because we were closed yesterday. But we managed to get a lot done, cleaning wise.

Course I’m tired from the weekend, so I don’t have a lot to report on today. So I’ll just leave it at this.

Happy Rex Manning Day!

Oh yeah, also there was an eclipse today. Pictures tomorrow.

(Always leave em wanting more!)

Call me on my car phone with that je ne sais quois

Good morning everyone! Happy Rex Manning Day! It’s a beautiful sunny day outside. It should be a very nice day!

I had an ok sleep. I think I was very tossy turny. I got up about 12:30 to go to the bathroom, and when I got back I fixed the bed as best as I could in the dark.

It was a pretty good sleep otherwise. It was restful I think. I just have to survive this shift with BossLady, and it’s the weekend. Sure, I have to work tomorrow, but I think it’ll be ok, I’ll work on the LiveInventory, but editing the drafts into actual posts. Then more stuff will be added.

I think since I’ve started, I’ve added about 200 items. So it’s started to really flesh out our inventory.

But right now; coffee. Happy Friyay!

We mustn’t dwell. No, not today. We can’t! Not on Rex Manning Day!

I’d encourage your smiles, I’ll expect you won’t cry

We mustn’t dwell. No, not today. We can’t! Not on Rex Manning day!

Now listen, I know it’s not actually Rex Manning day today. But whenever I feel a little down, I make believe it is Rex Manning day, and I feel better. If I knew how to post YouTube videos here, you’d probably be watching Rex’s video here. But I don’t, so go and watch it. You’ll feel better, I promise.