Someday the mountain might get ’em but the law never will

Good morning party people. Who has two thumbs and slept like a baby last night? Me, motherfuckers, I actually slept 99.9% of the night. What’s the take away of that? Sleep is good for shingles.

My eye opened yesterday, but it felt like I was using 100% effort to keep it open, and it was so light sensitive, I just kept it closed all day. Yesterday, I felt better than the day before, but just literally drained. This morning, I woke up feeling pretty good.

After talking with my boss, she encouraged me to take one more day, and come back as close to 100% as possible tomorrow. So that’s the plan. Gonna cold compress the shit out of my face today.

So that’s my story, what’s yours today?

They’ll stone you when you’re at the breakfast table

I’m told it’s morning. I slept like shut last night. My eye is swollen shut. Pain. Lots of pain.

But it’s Monday, and since I didn’t get to do anything yesterday, I’ll be doing the chores today. Laundry and the bathroom.

I’m moving really slow this morning. I was cold when I woke up, now I’m really warm.

I would just like the pain to stop.

Hope y’all have a better Monday than me.