Little bit angel, whole lotta outlaw she’s trouble, but I’ll tell you right now, y’all

The Flat is awake here. The kitties are awake, and the humans are awake. The coffee has been brewed, and the curtains are open. It’s hazy out there, and a lot cooler out there.

But here we are, regardless.

We’re slipping into fall here. Soon the back door won’t be open when we wake up, and Pippin will have to deal with that. I can’t wait until it’s cool enough to not have allergies again. This freakin sucks ass.

I slept like the dead. Probably because I felt sick as a dog yesterday. The first couple of hours at work sucked ass. I was stuck behind the counter for 2 hours solid, when all I wanted to do was sit down, and die. I started to feel better as the day went on.

Back to work today. Only today, Thursday and Friday to go. Thank god. I almost got the weekend off but I have inventory Sunday. Yay.