With the furies breathing down your neck

My mom and dad had to go to another province for some tractor parts, so I’m here babysitting my gramma. I just popped out to grab the mail, and now I’m back where it’s warm.

I also brought in some contraband.

We have a provincial election on the 26th of this month, and as Crystal can corroborate, my mom is a staunch conservative. STAUNCH. from what Crystal says, every second or third post on Facebook is about how the liberal government are a joke, the Prime Minister is an idiot, and so on and so forth.

I am not a conservative. I’m not going to vote for them, even though they’re the favourites to win. It’s a lot more difficult to figure out who to vote for here. I think there’s 4 or 5 different parties to choose from.

I’m voting for these guys. Part of their platform is to raise the minimum wage to $15. This province has the lowest minimum wage in the country.

For my American brothers and sisters – VOTE