They could care less – as long as someone will bleed

So my first night, my trail by fire went really well. Thankfully it’s not an every day thing. I didn’t get home till shortly after 10. About an hour after I take my sleepy time medicine.

So needless to say I slept like shite. Tossing and turning. Bad dreams. up early in the morning to go to the bathroom. Too hot too cold. You know that usual. The dreams were weird. My nephew broke his bike and I was the only that wanted to fix it. I had to weld a part and by the time I got back his dad bought him a new bike. And they all laughed at me.

The other dream, I was with my mother in law, and Crystal and I were asking for money to get through the month, and she said no she couldn’t afford it, and then her other daughter called and said her car broke down, and my MIL said no problem, and bought her a new used minivan.

That’s when I walked home. Suddenly I wasn’t in RI, I was in TotallyBiggestTown, and I was trying to find my way home. I was all alone and totally lost.

Today, thankfully, I go in for only a few hours, then it’s home to look after my gramma as my mom has to get a tooth pulled. Tomorrow will be my first full shift. And even though I’m tired and have a headache, I’m kinda excited to go.