Hide your diamonds, hide your exes, I’m a little bit Alexis

Good morning my friends. Yep, I’m posting at a normal time. Not in the afternoon. It was really nice to sleep in this morning. At one point I was dozing, and my mind was saying, I don’t think we reset the alarm clock, didn’t we? Ha ha, I fooled my own brain. I had reset the alarm, and it was going to go off. I successfully ignored my brain. I simply went back to sleep, because I knew that even if the alarm didn’t go off, I’d still have time to get up and ready, as I don’t have to be in until 9:45.

At about 4:30 yesterday I get a text from my mom asking if I was working. I said that I wasn’t. She asked if I could help her in about a half hour to help my dad get in the truck so she could take him to the hospital. I get up there and my dad under his own power is making his way to the truck. I help him get in and settled and I head back to The Flat to pick up Crystal for dinner.

I got another text just after 8, from my mom. They made it back home with a handful of new prescriptions. Hopefully this will help, and I hope that they figure out what the hell is wrong with my dad soon. He’s missed a lot of work.

We came home and did evening things. Crystal took a bath and I played No Man’s Sky. I played that until she got out of the tub. We had hot chocolate, and watched Antiques Roadshow. We each had a piece of cake and went to bed. I don’t know about Crystal, but I think I was out pretty quickly.

And now here we are. Coffee beside me, and Chaucer in front of me, staring. He wants to get in my lap. In a few, I’ll hop up and get in the shower. Then get ready for work. It may be windy, but it doesn’t feel that cold out there.

Happy Saturday y’all!