It’s getting hot in here

Yeah, it’s warm. It’s 99f or 37c here. It’s warm enough that I can’t concentrate on reading because the book is sticking to me, and I’m sticking to it. My mom is considering putting the cats out in the trailer, where she can turn on the AC.

She asked me this morning to think about something light and cool to make so she’s not standing in front of the stove all night. I suggested that I can BBQ, and take all the heat. She didn’t want more leftovers, she she’ll be reheating chilli and making some Kraft Dinner.

Thankfully, usually about 7ish, it starts to cool off a little bit. At least it did last night. With the heat so bad, a lot of the people that I usually see walking around, are staying indoors. I mean it’s hot, yes. But there’s no humidity! It’s a dry heat baby!