Makin’ their way the only way they know how that’s just a little bit more than the law will allow

Heyy, motherfuckers. I decided early this morning, that I’d post when I got home from work. I just wasn’t feeling posting this morning. So y’all get to read my post in the day light, and not the ass crack of dawn.

So, welcome back my friends to the show that never ends.

Within minutes of getting home, I’ve paid my bills for the month, and I have a kitten in my lap, and one nestled in beside me. Crystal is wedged into her side of the couch on the other side of Chaucer, who’s purring. The cat, not Crystal.

Work was ok, mostly slow. We got done everything we needed to this morning, and we then just kinda sat around until swing shift came in. Then we all sat around, but we took turns going outside, and ringing the register. We were waiting for the grocery delivery to arrive, which it did about 25 minutes before the shift was over. I stayed an extra ten minutes to help finish the order up, and then came home.

Good times.