<insert song lyrics here>

I’m awake. I’m not feeling all that great. I didn’t sleep all that great last night. It was way too hot. I think I was just in a light sleep all night.

The heat is supposed to last until Friday. That’s a long way away. I feel terrible, but I feel worse for the kitties. It’s a scorcher out there and it’s only 7ish.

Yesterday was a good but long ass day. We left the Flat at 8, and didn’t get home until have 6. Thankfully we had eaten dinner so I could just drop on to the couch and do absolutely nothing.

I have to finish getting dressed, and start the day. Happy Tuesday. I hope y’all are safe.

And I destroyed the map, I even thought I forgot it. However, everyday I’m dumping the body

Good morning party people! It’s a bright, sunny and hot hot hot morning already. All the blinds are down, and Pippin is annoyed that she can’t look out the back door. Reason – it’s closed to try and keep the heat at bay. I told her I’ll open it in a couple of hours.

We’re expecting a high in the low 90s today. Yep it’s hot for here, but again this is not an excuse to have an AC. There’s no point in them here. It’s literally hot here for like 2 weeks a year. Don’t be like my neighbour that’s one house down. Running her window AC, and I haven’t seen her car since Thursday.

So with all the heat, I’m not going to do my chores until tomorrow. I don’t feel like running the washer and dryer in this weather. Tomorrow is supposed to be about 10 degrees cooler. I’ll do it all tomorrow.

Yesterday, when I went to SlightlyBiggerTown, I was cut off due to a parade driving towards me down Main Street. I quickly turned off and came back to watch the parade. It was fun!

From there I want to a couple of stores and bought a suction cup bird feeder for the kitten, and then went for lunch, then off to do my drug deal. Ahh legal weed. Yay Canada! Then it was a quick trip to the grocery store where they didn’t have wings. That made me a little sad. After that back to the Flat to unpack everything.

All in all a good Saturday if you ask me!