Here I am stuck in the middle with you.

Greetings and salutations you shiny and happy people. It’s a rare afternoon post from yours truly. I was up at the normal time, but decided to post after heading to SlightlyBiggerTown – you know, in case something interesting happened.

Spoiler alert: nothing interesting happened!

Aside from having to wait for a train to go by. That was about it. I didn’t even see any animals in my travels today.

I did however, but groceries, lunch, and some weed. Then got back into the truck, and drove back to TinyTown.

All in all a good couple of hours. I even remembered to switch the station back to my moms country station.

As I was just about to turn into town, something caught my eye. So much so, that I had to turn around, stop, and take a picture.

Yep. I truly don’t think there are any words for something like this.

Ok, time to kick back, and relax. I don’t have anywhere that I need to be. Happy Saturday dudes and dudettes!

I have loved you for a thousand years, I’ll love you for a thousand more

It’s Friday, that means it’s Beat Bobby Flay on the Food Network. I like the show, because I like what Bobby cooks. And I have a short attention span, and it’s only a 1/2 hour long.

And the puns.

Quesadilla? Case closed.

I mean if I can’t cook full flavoured dishes here, I can at least watch someone cook with spices. I think when Crystal gets here, I’d love to make a spicy Shakshuka. Anything really. Just spicy!

Because, I’m starting to get tired of potatoes.

I’m not doing too bad here. Tired, but in a pretty good mood. The weather is helping. When I went out to get the weekly newspaper, it’s bright, no wind, and warm. Warm is good!

The coffee didn’t really help, so I’m drinking water. At least I’ll be hydrated, which is always good.

I love you, and I miss you.

Down by the river in the full moonlight

Awake! It’s almost Pre-Friday. Almost. You can make it. One of the talking heads on the local news is talking about the NFL and opening day. This guy is a moron. He’s talking about how good the Cowboys are gonna be.

The. Cowboys.

I’ll let that sink in.

America’s Team.

I’ll still root for the Patriots. I’ve rooted for them for 20 years. Most of that time, they’ve had rebuilding years. This year will be the biggest one they’ll have. No Tom Brady. It’s gonna be different for sure.

Ok let’s stop talking about SportsBall.

I have an announcement;

I’m wearing jogging pants. And plan to go out in public wearing them later. Public. I don’t think I’ll ever take them off. Ever.


Yesterday, we drove to SlightlyBiggerTown to do some grocery shopping. I ran over to the local second hand store. Hoping, and dreaming (literally, I had a dream about this), that is find the Twilight Saga. Spoiler alert – I didn’t, but I did find The Hunger Games, and Pet Cemetery.

I started to read it last night. It’s like totally NOT scary at all. I mean the first 5 or 6 chapters are normal. The dude is drinking beer with his neighbour across the road. I keep you updated.

And a bucket of vindaloo. Bucket!*

I long for a Vindaloo. I’m looking, and I think I found a recipe for a tasty chicken Vindaloo that I might make one day. I wouldn’t even add the spicy spice to it, because I live with people that think ketchup is spicy.

The spice jar that has the red pepper flakes is up on the spice rack. The red peppers flakes are brown. They don’t get used a lot. I think I was the first one to use it in a while, when I snuck some into the chilli that was made a couple weeks back, while Shady Acres slept – and they were none the wiser.

I’m really just afraid when I put it down in front of them, they’ll all just turn up their noses at it. Course, then I’d just eat it all myself.

So we’ll see. I just sent the recipe to my mom. It’s ultimately up to her. I’m not going to force my way into HER kitchen. I just want some FLAVOUR.

* yes that’s actually a song lyric.