Blood in the streets in the town of New Haven

Good sunny morning. It’s breezy out there, but bright and sunny. There were big storms that came through here last night, or early this morning. The power surged, and that led to the northern lights light that I have in the bedroom to turn on, wake us up, and leave us totally confused.

The thunder and the booms woke us up, but after we knew what they were put us back to sleep just a quickly as they woke us up. It’s been a while since I’ve fallen asleep with the help of a storm. I don’t know if the storm was lighting up the room or if it was just the boom boom boom.

Either way, I passed right out.

The yard sale went pretty good I believe. Mom sold a lot of her stuff, and each item she sold had a story behind it. We did the yard sale for her so, I’m glad that she did very well. The stuff to haul back was a fraction of what I hauled down from their place.

We didn’t do too badly either. I sold some car wash tokens, and Crystal sold some of her genie pants. We sold other misc. items. It was a good couple of hours as well. We both got slightly burned from the sun, but it was worth it. We did good, and we were packed up probably before 1. I’m sure my mom slept like a rock last night.

Today is a pretty lazy day. I got chores to do, then we’re heading out to the restaurant, for Father’s Day. I think this is the first time that my dad will be going out for dinner since he got sick. The cook is very excited to see him.

Happy Sunday everyone. Happy Father’s Day out there to anyone that reads this.