If you don’t like who’s in there, vote em out

Welp, I’ve had better sleeps. It was awesome until around 5 or 6 I think. You see my grandmother has dementia. It was just a bad dream of it getting worse. The terrible thing; I’d wake up, and fall back asleep, and the dream continued. I feel terrible, because in my dream, I yelled at her.


It’s Election Day just a few hundred miles to the south. I think CNN will be on most of the day here. I’ll be feeding Crystal information all day while she’s at work. The headline on CNN right now

Your Vote, Your Patience & Patriotism.

You can feel the hope in the air. I’m nervous, but let’s see what happens. Let hope science, and reason, and thoughtfulness take over, and COVID is taken seriously, and the border opens.

If you’re in the states, and you haven’t voted yet, VOTE.

No new books at the second hand store yesterday. I did put back on the shelf an Official illustrated Movie Guide for Eclipse. I didn’t think I needed that. Even though it was a fill a bag for a buck again. There was just nothing jumping out at me.

So I’ll try again this afternoon, at the local second hand store. Maybe something there will be awesome, and I’ll have to grab it up.

But for now, CNN, and coffee. Election night coverage started in 6:54:30