Though my mind could think, I still was a mad man

Good morning! Happy Tuesday, my friends. It’s o’dark thirty. And lemme tell you it’s dark outside. TinyTown is slowly waking up. The coffee has been brewed and I’m dressed, but I’m not ready to greet the day. Yet.

Yesterday was a good sloth day. Neither of us got dressed, but we did get the Florida package packed up and ready to be shipped out this morning.

Speaking of this morning. Today will be a busy day. I got into work, just to make sure there’s nothing pressing, and then I’ll be loading up the Hot Mess Express, because I’m doing a delivery to the next province over. Then back to TinyTown. Today is the day my grandmother is going into long term care. Mom says she doesn’t need us, but we’ll be ready if they need us.

It’ll still be a busy day. But it’s a day that I’ll be working, but out of the office. And Crystal gets to hang out with me while I work.

Ok, time to mainline some coffee, and get my eyes to focus. Let’s go Tuesday!