That’s great, it starts with an earthquake

Good morning my friends, Roman’s, and countrymen. I trust all y’all had a good sleep? Me? Not so much. Awoken by the sounds of a cat throwing up, I bolt out of bed to maybe find where it is. However, in the blackness, I couldn’t. I warned Crystal that there may be sick somewhere. Then I tried to go back to sleep.

Don’t you worry. I found the sick this morning in Chaucer’s food bowl this morning when I went to fill it. I think then, Chaucer came up on the bed to try to get some sleep. I then spent the next hour or so, trying to fall back asleep. This time, it was Pippin’s turn to be crazy. She was running around all over the place. At one point, she opened the laundry rooms door and wanted to play in there. Then she worked her way behind the bedroom door, and was having a great time playing behind it.

We’re all up now. The coffee has been brewed. Pippin is running around doing Pippin things. She just jumped up on my lap. Chaucer is laying between us. Morning is upon us.


It’s Wednesday, we’re slowly getting closer to the weekend. That’s very exciting! It’s overcast, but seems to be a little warmer than yesterday. Winter is coming, but I would like fall to stretch out, just a little bit.

Let’s go weekend!