Book haul – Outlander

So the trip to CapitalCity was a good one, on the book front. My mom had mentioned in the past, that she wanted to continue to read the Outlander series. A couple of years ago, I had sent the first couple up her, she read them and sent them back.

Then she had the first season on her DVR, and my dad deleted them. So she asked me to put them on the list of books I wanted to buy.

Yesterday was the perfect store. At Value Village, I managed to find just about all the books. Just missing the last two, and one hasn’t even been published yet. Mom was very happy. She has the first one now. I have the rest in the bookcase, in order.

It was a good day, books nerds! Until next time!

This or that Tuesday

This one is also a fun one, forcing me to choose this or that. Sometimes I can choose, sometimes I can’t. It’s fun to figure out when I can or can’t.

So let’s not wait for it. Let’s get this party started. It’ll be lit, as the kids say these days.

Trilogy or book series of 10+ books?

Why not both? Here’s where I can’t choose. I loved the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and my favourite book series would be the Dresden Files. I’m happy with both. But here’s the real question, what ever happened to just simple stand alone books? Why does every new book have to be part of a series?

Would you want to own a bookstore or have a large personal library?

Is the bookstore a small but cozy store that you can just walk up and down the aisles, or am I like a manager at a Barnes and Noble? If it’s a small but cozy store. I’d be happy to own it. If it’s a manager position at B&N, no thanks it’s like a toy store that carries some books.

What book would you like to see under the tree this year?

I’d be pretty happy with any book under the tree and I’ll probably get one. But there’s no tree here. We’re the only house on this corner of the block with no Christmas lights. It doesn’t even feel like Christmas here. But anyways, back to the question. I’d like to get The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle – Agatha Christie meets Groundhog Day.

Until next time book nerds!

Mondrei (drei is German for 3)

Who’s your favourite fictional couple?

Wow, that’s either an easy answer, or a very difficult one. Depending on what you expect me to say. Heh. The easy one would be to say Bella and Edward. Or even Hermione and Ron. But that might be really too easy, amirite? So I’ll have to say Eric and Clio from The Raw Shark Texts. They have a great banter back and forth. You can almost feel the love come off the page.

What’s a book you’d give as a present?

Hmm. This is a hard one. There’s been so many great books that I’ve read this year. I’d have to say that I’d have no problem giving House of Leaves as a gift. Or even Ship of Theseus. My number one would definitely be House of Leaves.

What was your least favourite book you’ve read this year?

Simple! I really really did not like The Goldfinch. Totally unliveable characters, I won’t even mention the mess that the author called “the middle of the book”. I’m pretty sure I didn’t finish it because everyone in the book is a terrible person, and life is too short to waste time on a shitty book.

Until next time, book nerds!