Lockup Library: book haul

Hey hey book nerds! Just a wicked quick post. It’s been a while for sure, but I have a book haul!

I wasn’t gonna get the Spanish version of Twilight, but I’m glad Crystal said to get it. I’d be kicking myself if I hadn’t.

And of course, Honor Among Thieves. I read this a few years back, and it’s been on my list to buy if I found it.

Ok, time to relax. We’ve been on the road since 8 this morning. Talk to y’all soon, book nerds!

Book haul!

Hey hey book nerds! It’s been a while huh? We’ll it’s been whirlwind here, but we were in the right place at the right time!

Some guy had just dropped off two bags of Stephen King books. I used one of the bags he carried them in with to stuff it full. Usually the second hand store does a bag sale for a dollar with books. Just a grocery bag. So the lady at the counter said $2. I told her I’ll give $3, so I wouldn’t feel like I was cheating them out of money.

She thanked me. I thanked her.

What a great haul!

Birthday month book haul!

What’s up, book nerds?!

So yesterday, I’m sitting at home – as one does on a day off, and I hit refresh on the 4 packages that I’m tracking from the beautiful Crystal. After the page refreshes, it says I have a package at the post office. It’s noon, and TinyTown shuts down from 12-1 everyday. I’m serious, an air raid siren actually goes off every day at noon.

So I wait an hour to go and get my package. I know what’s in it. I remembered a couple of nights ago that it’s ponies – custom My Little Ponies, and some DVDs. No biggie. I walk over and get the slip out of my PO Box. But there’s two tags on it, meaning that I have two parcels.


I get the box of ponies, and there’s another. I don’t look at it. It’s an international package, that means that there’s a customs sticker on it saying what’s in the envelope. It sits upside down on my kitchen table for 9 hours. 9 HOURS. I won’t open a birthday present without Crystal watching on Duo.

I open it, and it’s a book! It looks very cool, and Crystal says that it was suggested – if you liked House of Leaves, you’ll love Bats of the Republic.

I can’t wait to start reading this! It looks strange and different, and has a ribbon bookmark!


Book haul – birthday edition

Hey hey book nerds!

Just a quick pop in to show off a great present from Crystal. Yesterday was my birthday, and I was finally allowed to open the present from her.

She got me The Strange Library by Haruki Murakami.

This book looks amazingly interesting!

I can’t wait to start reading it!!

Woohoo! Until next time, book nerds!!

Thank you for the book my love!