He was a boy, she was a girl. Can I make it any more obvious?

Good morning my snowy friends. It’s been blowing and snowing pretty much the whole night. It doesn’t look like a lot fell in the night. I know a lot has. It’s the wind, it’s drifting all over the place. It’ll be fun to shovel later. The Poi Pit has completely disappeared. There’s still about 12 hours of the storm to go through.

BossLady is on vacation. And she was asking for updates yesterday. I explained what was going on and how much we were expected. I had been planning on showing up to work this morning, but also planned on if the boss wanted the store closed.

Notice was put.

So we went out for dinner last night. The night cook asked if we wanted the “usual”. I said know and told her what my mom said. When we were over last Sunday. Mom was saying how the night cook told her that she liked it when they come because they always order something different, unlike me, who just orders the same thing every week.

I told her this and told her I want a menu, and I demand satisfaction. We all laughed, and I ordered something completely different for my usual. It was very good. She’s an excellent cook, and once again, we totally enjoyed our time there. The food was excellent.

After dinner we came home, and I fired up the Switch, changed users and hopped into my account to play some Breath of the Wild. I didn’t really have a plan, but Crystal wanted to help get me a tower and a shrine. I always happen to find myself exploring, in the dark, and some of the times under a blood moon. Hey, it’s to keep it exciting.

After that tower and the shrine, I wanted to explore a little more. I wandered around and found myself in the Lost Woods. I got lost once or twice, then BOOM! Master Sword. Long story short, I couldn’t raise it. I need more heart containers. But I know where it is. I got one or two shrines after that, and called it a night.

I’m getting there. Slowly but surely.

Maybe we’ll play today.

Because, we’re not going anywhere today.

Because of the snow.

This is a post about the snow, remember? 😜

When we finally kiss goodnight how I’ll hate going out in the storm

I roll over in bed – wide wide WIDE awake. It’s like my body just decided that now would be a good time to wake up. It’s 6:30.

Last night I tried to remind myself to look at the snowfall totals before looking outside. So as my eyes were focussing, I opened my phone, and opened the weather app. I looked. Blinked. I willed myself to focus on the small number. Then it was off to Google to Google a measurement that I haven’t come across this snowy season.

So yeah, nothing has fallen yet. It was supposed to start yesterday afternoon. It just kept getting pushed back. So either we’re going to get dumped on, or nothing. I just don’t know anymore!

So coffee has been made, and I have the local news on, to see what they have to say. Either way, I have no plans to do anything, so let it snow!!

Or not. It’s all good 🙂

I, recommend sticking your foot in your mouth at any time feel free

Good morning all you people South of the Wall. Well, it started snowing sometime in the night. A lot less then what I thought would fall. When I went to sleep, it said on my app that there would be about 24cm to fall in the next 24 hours.

Checking this morning after seeing the lacklustre snowfall – 24cm to fall in the next 24 hours. And it’s supposed to snow all day here.

Good times.

It does look very pretty out there.

Just cold and windy.

But I have hot coffee, and heat in the flat.

Good times!

Put me in the hospital for nerves – and then they had to commit me

So a blizzard warning went off on my phone sometime in the night. Scared the bajesus out of me. And then about 45min to an hour later NewGirl called out. Needless to say I’ve been up on and off since about 5:30ish.

This coffee can’t brew fast enough.

That. That is a fine cup of coffee.

I just realized that I can never call out due to the weather. I walk! I’ll always be able to make it in.
