I think of all the education that I’ve missed but then my homework was never quite like this

Happy birthday to Crystal!

We’re up, and all that happy horse shit. The coffee has been brewed, and Crystal has opened her presents. I’m sure she’ll talk and show them over on her page – I suggest that you check it out.

Yesterday was a nice relaxing day. We didn’t do too much. I did the chores and such, but mostly we just relaxed and didn’t do too much. We went over to Shady Acres, and I cleaned the wood stove. No big deal.

Nothing major on the books today. I do have to pop over to the grocery store to grab some chocolate chips for the pumpkin chocolate chip cake I’ll be making after brunch. I have a candles and everything!

Even though it’s Crystal’s birthday, I have to go back to work tomorrow. And since I have today off, I’ll be working on Saturday. I’m not excited about that, but it is what it is, and I’ll be there on Saturday lol.

There was a football game last night, I’m told. We didn’t watch it, but I did keep an eye on the score. It looked like a very good close game the whole time. That’s the type of game that I like. So congrats to the superb owl winners.

You in first place, you in first place bad bitch contest, you in first place

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me. If I’m posting, it’s a new day. Happy Thursday all you had bitches. It’s Thursday, and it’s also my birthday. The coffee is brewing and we are watching the news.

I opened my present from Crystal and it’s a new robo vacuum! Toaster was good when it was just me. He was ok when it was me and Pippin. But add another cat and another human, Toaster just couldn’t keep up. So for my birthday, I asked for a new one. I’ll set up the little cylon when I get home from work today.

I don’t feel old. And truth be told, I don’t even know how old I am. 46? 45? 102? Who knows. It’s a mystery. And quite frankly, at this point, I’m afraid to ask.

Damn the coffee tastes good this morning. It’s almost the end of the week! We can make it people! Happy Thursday y’all!

You’re older than you’ve ever been
And now you’re even older

Good morning everyone. I had strange dreams last night. All I remember is that I was collecting jackets, and I had a successful home based business. Weirdness.

I did sleep good I believe. Only up once in the night. that’s always a good thing. I’m awake now, and the birds are singing. It looks like it might be a good day outside, if the clouds burn off.

Yesterday was good. I went to SlightlyBiggerTown to do some grocery shopping. I got some yummy food for the next while. I almost bought a cactus, but for some reason I didn’t. After grocery shopping I bought some weed, and hit up the thrift store. I didn’t see anything that I had to have, so I went home.

If anyone hasn’t seen Army of the Dead, please, don’t bother watching it. It was terrible. It’s pretty much 2.5 hours of a terrible movie.

But I’ll leave you for now. My coffee is ready to be consumed.

Happy birthday to me.