Like, “Who’s that chick, that’s rockin’ kicks?”

I’m awake. I had a massive allergy attack yesterday after mowing the lawn at Shady Acres, so the evening was terrible. This morning, I’m still stuffed up a lot. I feel like crap this morning.

The covfefe is brewing, so that’ll help when it’s ready. And the stuffiness will help a lot to wake up.

Today I don’t have a lot on my plate. I have to go out and pay for my drivers license, and I need more Kleenex. Oh, and the handyman is supposed to come back some time today to patch the hole he made in the bathroom.

Ok, the coffee is ready, so I’m gonna make myself some, and try to wake up. Happy Monday y’all let’s kick the day in the nuts and have a really good day.

Here I go, here I go, here I go again

Good morning. Happy Saturday. I passed out last night. It was a combination of allergy drugs, melatonin, and just being tired. But mostly it was the allergy meds. I’m still stuffy this morning. But it’s always bad in the mornings. I have to be better tonight, tonight is SNL.

Last week in the local newsletter, there was a position of store floor manager at the local furniture store. I applied, and sent the owner a quick email, just asking for an informal sit down just to talk about the position a little more and to learn about the company a little more. I had that sit down yesterday morning.

Also, mom had to go to the dentist. She left early in the morning. She knew I was going to talk to the furniture woman and said it was no problem to leave my grandmother at home. I got the email saying that she was leaving the dentist and was on her way home. It takes her a half hour to get home. I got up and dressed and told my grandmother that mom would be home in 20 minutes. And left. Just on foot, because it’s in TinyTown, and it’s literally 5 minutes down the road.

It was a great talk, and I think that the owner is going to have to think about who she provisionally hired, and all that. I think/hope I impressed. Anyways, fast forward to after lunch, and my mom said that when she got home, my grandmother was waiting outside for her, without her walker, both doors wide open. Just standing out there waiting. This is a woman that can’t stand for more than a couple of minutes. Who knows how long she was out there for. I feel guilty for leaving her. Mom says not to feel guilty at all. It wasn’t my fault or anyone’s fault. It’s the dementia.

On a happy note, it’s Saturday, so that means it’s almost time for the Lockup Library Book Club. In a few hours we’ll be talking about 1922 in Full Dark, No Stars. I got the chance to sit down and read, and just about finished this first short story. Woot!

It feels like my head is filled with mud. Coffee is helping. I think that was the most solid sleep I’ve had in a looong time. Which is really really nice. Wow, just scrolling up, man, I got wordy. That doesn’t happen very often. And heavy. I try and keep it light and happy here.