Sometimes you tell the day by the bottle that you drink

Good morning, happy August! It’s a gray day here so far, and as far as I can tell it’s supposed to be pretty gray all day pretty much.

Pippin was in rare form this morning. I think she started around 5, trying to get attention. I managed to pretty much ignore her, and lure her back to snuggle in and sleep. It took a little bit, but I convinced her to go back to sleep, which she did. Then the alarm went off.

So we got up. She currently wandering around and yelling, walking from one window to the other. She’ll wander and yell for a couple more hours, then hunker down and sleep.

It’s a routine.

I don’t have a lot planned for today. Brunch for sure. Tenant just dropped on Netflix, so I’ll probably watch that. Just a relaxing day, and work tomorrow.

So let’s get the day started, with a good cuppa joe!

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