So you want to be a gangster, all that shit

The start of the morning was playing the under the covers game with Pippin. Crystal started the game about a week or so back, and now shortly before the alarm, she’s up there watching for any movement. Then she’ll fox jump onto the moving part.

It’s very cute.

And a wonderful way to wake up.

Tonight is the first of two design nights at the store. It’s gonna be a long two days at work. But that’s ok. It’s a fun couple of nights. Busy but a fun couple of nights.

Crystal made some amazing tomato soup and grilled cheese naan. It was the perfect meal for a cold evening. And there’s enough for maybe a lunch and another meal.

It’s a cold one out there today. -19🦫 and even colder when you factor in the wind: -30. That’s icky and so totally not cool. And it’s not supposed to get too much warmer today.

But we can fight the cold, with hot coffee. Happy hump day everyone!

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