Well, here we are again. Good morning, I hope y’all slept well. I’m waking up very very groggy this morning. It took me a while to fall asleep last night. I think it was a good sleep, but I’m not sure. I’ll know more in an hour or so. I mean I slept, but it doesn’t feel refreshing yet. I woke up around 6 this morning, and I don’t think I was tossy turny though. Just awake. Sometime Pippin came over and meowed, and I moved back a little and raised the blankets. She came and later down, but then got up and left. I think that’s when I started to doze off. Just a light sleep until the alarm went off.
I could feel Pippin when I was rolling over, but I didn’t feel Chaucer. I don’t know how Crystal was sleeping, I knew I couldn’t snuggle her. If I’m warm that totally means that she’s a lot more warmer than me. The king size bed is weird, I rolled over to face my side of the room, and I knew that Crystal was right behind me, but I couldn’t feel her. I knew she was there, but it felt like I had the whole bed to myself.
But we’re both up now, and Chaucer just climbed up onto my lap and has snuggled me. We have the news on, and it’s freakin dark out. However, it feels a lot warmer out there than normal. We’re above freezing here this morning! Woohoo! Also we’re expecting snow tomorrow night into Friday morning. So that should be interesting at work, but most of the snow will have fallen before I even get to work.
Ok time to start the day. Happy hump day everyone.