Sipping whiskey out the bottle, not thinking ’bout tomorrow singing Sweet Home Alabama all summer long

Good sunny morning, friends! Hap hap happy Wednesday. It’s bright and sunny outside this morning. It looks like it’ll be a nice day so far.

I passed out pretty quickly last night. And I do t remember getting up in the night. I think I did, but I can’t confirm nor deny.

Working again today. I think this weekend is a long weekend, but I’d have to look at a calendar to figure it out. It doesn’t really matter the holiday falls on a Monday, and I don’t work Mondays. either way, just a little bump for my pay check next time.

Since I’m just waking up, I’m struggling for stuff to say. Sometimes the words come easy, and sometimes they don’t come at all. Today is one of those days.

So I’ll just say happy Wednesday! Let’s have a kick ass day!

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